Access our online library:




The Simcoe County District School Board has more than 100 school libraries, and all schools have a full-time teacher-librarian. There are approximately 1.5 million items in the current resource collection.

Teacher-librarians work with students and staff to develop collections that are engaging for students and staff. The goals are to provide relevant resources for learning, instruction and reading enjoyment.

Teacher-librarians work with students, staff, administration and families to support and improve student literacy and academic achievement.

What's happening in the Library:

Dot Day 2019

Choice Grids: Fun online activites for all ages!

Paper Airplane Challenge

Lego Learn and Fun!

Play Doh Exploring

Websties & Resources:

Websites Login Information
Sora books

Login as Simcoe County School Board as your school and then your google

drive login.

Epic books Class login needed from teacher.
Tumble books
Tumble cloud (teenagers)
Username: simcoe Passworkd: books
Username: simcoe Password: reads
PebbleGo for JK-Grade 3 Username: elearning Password: canadatrial
Independent research (Animals, Sciences, Social Studies)
PebbleGo Next for Grades 4-8

Username: elearning Password: canadatrial

independent research (Sciences, Social Studies)

Capstone Interactive
JK - Grade 8
Username: elearning20 Password: canadatrial
(Non Fiction, Fiction, Graphic Novels and more)
Reflex Math Login needed from classroom teacher.

Mpower (TVO kids)

Password login needed from teacher or students

might be able to create their own.

Prodigy Use google drive login
Scratch Use google drive login Use google drive login
Go Noodle Good Energy At home dance / movement videos for students.
Brain Pop
Brain Pop Jr
Vidoes to support learning in many different subject.
French Duolingo Use gogole drive login
K - Gr 6
Letter and Math games
K - Gr 3
Language games, reading, letters, rhynming...